


TimeWalker® is a next-generation Er:YAG and Nd:YAG aesthetic laser dedicated to facial aesthetic treatments. With a unique combination of Fotona’s advanced laser technology and proprietary ASP-powered treatment modes, TimeWalker® is designed and optimized for non-invasive facelifting procedures such as Fotona4D®, SmoothEye® and LipLase™.

Safe and Highly Effective Er:YAG

TimeWalker® is equipped with an advanced, high-performance Er:YAG laser featuring micron-thermal regeneration for non-ablative treatments as well as precise ablation control.

TimeWalker® Fotona4D® offers a complete facial rejuvenation approach with non-invasive rejuvenation treatments, plus ablative full and fractional peelings, scar treatments, facial vascular lesions, active acne andalso targets skin conditions like melasma, rosacea, hyperpigmentation and does skin resurfacing etc.



Fotona4D® is a groundbreaking non-surgical face lifting procedure resulting in a rejuvenated, natural-looking appearance. If you’re searching for a non-invasive, safer anti-aging option read on or visit our Fotona4D® website for more comprehensive information for both patients and doctors.

Advantages of Fotona4D®:


Non-Invasive Plumping for Fuller Lips without Injectables


Fotona SMOOTH® modality Er:YAG provides an immediate response that patients will notice. In contrast to injectable fillers, the LipLase™ treatment is non-invasive, and there is nothing artificial as patients develop their own collagen in their lips. With several adjusted passes the characteristics of ‘ideal lips’ can be achieved such as fullness, volume, correct balance between the upper and lower lips and a well-defined vermilion border.

Facial Vascular Lesions Removal

Laser treatments are now a routine procedure for the removal of many types of vascular lesions, including hemangiomas, vascular malformations such as port-wine stains, telangiectasias, venous lakes, and angiomas.  TimeWalker® Fotona4D®  Is ideal for the removal of vascular lesions on the face.

This process is safe, as other healthy veins supply blood to the treated area and the body’s immune system clears away dead tissue, just like with a bruise.


NightLase® for Snoring

Fotona’s patented Er:YAG laser modality optimizes the length of laser pulses, allowing for the safe penetration of heat into the oral mucosa tissue.

Simple, Safe and Effective :

Fotona’s patented Er:YAG laser modality optimizes the length of laser pulses, allowing for the safe penetration of heat into the oral mucosa tissue.

It is gentle enough to be used on the sensitive tissue inside the mouth, but strong enough to provide clinically efficacious heating.

NightLase is easy for any doctor or dentist to perform and has a high success rate in producing a positive change in sleep patterns. Research has shown that

NightLase reduces and attenuates snoring and provides an effective, non-invasive way to lessen the effects of sleep apnea.

 A Patient Friendly Solution :

A full course of NightLase consists of three separate treatment sessions over a six week period. The final results of the treatment have been shown to last up to a year, and the therapy can be repeated.

Patients find NightLase to be a highly comfortable and satisfying solution. NightLase requires no device to be worn during sleep and involves no chemical treatment. It’s a gentle and easy way for your patients to regain a good night’s rest.










What is SmoothEye®?

SmoothEye® is a new and exciting non-ablative Fotona SMOOTH® mode treatment for tightening of the periocular region and reducing the appearance of periorbital wrinkles. SmoothEye® significantly tightens loose and aging skin of the eyelids and periocular region with little-to-no downtime and maximum patient comfort, making this a very
sought after non-invasive cosmetic procedure.

After a few treatment sessions, the result is improved skin elasticity, overall structure, and volume with significant wrinkle reduction.

Advantages of Fotona SMOOTH® Mode

Fotona’s revolutionary non-ablative Fotona SMOOTH® mode treats the skin in a smooth, almost “feather-like” non-ablative manner, without bleeding and with precisely controlled temperature deposition. The optical energy is delivered in a unique, sub-second long pulse
sequence which prevents temperature build-up at the surface and achieves homogeneous heating within several hundred micrometers of the tissue.

Fotona SMOOTH® mode is ideal for skin tightening. The intense, controlled surface tissue heating stimulates collagen remodeling and initiates neocollagenesis.
The result is an overall improvement of wrinkles, laxity and elasticity in the treatment areas around the eyes.


Fotona SMOOTH® modality Er:YAG reduces wrinkles around the eyes in a non-invasive approach. The non-ablative Er:YAG SMOOTH® mode is applied to stimulate collagen remodeling and contraction. The entire periocular region is covered, including regions above, below and lateral to the eye. The therapy is very well tolerated by patients, with no discomfort described.

Acne & Acne Scar revision

Fotona offers a laser acne treatment protocol that provides a truly comprehensive solution to the problem of acne. Fotona’s precisely controlled laser light safely penetrates into skin to effectively target overactive sebaceous glands and to reduce the risk of developing new
acne inflammation.

For improving the appearance of acne scars, Fotona offers a laser treatment based on a precise and gentle skin resurfacing procedure in which a laser beam is absorbed by the top micro-layers of the skin to vaporize scarred tissue and stimulate the production of new collagen in the

Fast results, Without Side-Effects :

For active acne, Fotona’s laser treatment reduces acne inflammation through photoselective absorption and controlled heating effects. Fotona’s high powered laser safely penetrates the skin to an optimal treatment depth to thermally and selectively destroy overactive sebaceous glands.

In addition to its thermal penetration effects, the acne laser treatment also accelerates the healing process and stimulates collagen remodeling, an important step in the long-term treatment of acne.

Gentle & Effective Acne Scar Revision :

For treating problematic acne scars, Fotona’s laser wavelength is ideal for gentle ablative scar revision. The  laser safely and effectively provides the minimal penetration depth required for light resurfacing of acne-scarred skin, helping to improve skin texture and tone. The laser
gently vaporizes micron-thin layers of the acne-scarred surface to reveal healthy, undamaged skin below. Laser resurfacing is a fast, safe and simple procedure.


What is SmoothEye®?

SmoothEye® is a new and exciting non-ablative Fotona SMOOTH® mode treatment for tightening of the periocular region and reducing the appearance of periorbital wrinkles. SmoothEye® significantly tightens loose and aging skin of the eyelids and periocular region with little-to-no downtime and maximum patient comfort, making this a very
sought after non-invasive cosmetic procedure.

After a few treatment sessions, the result is improved skin elasticity, overall structure, and volume with significant wrinkle reduction.

Advantages of Fotona SMOOTH® Mode

Fotona’s revolutionary non-ablative Fotona SMOOTH® mode treats the skin in a smooth, almost “feather-like” non-ablative manner, without bleeding and with precisely controlled temperature deposition. The optical energy is delivered in a unique, sub-second long pulse
sequence which prevents temperature build-up at the surface and achieves homogeneous heating within several hundred micrometers of the tissue.

Fotona SMOOTH® mode is ideal for skin tightening. The intense, controlled surface tissue heating stimulates collagen remodeling and initiates neocollagenesis.
The result is an overall improvement of wrinkles, laxity and elasticity in the treatment areas around the eyes.






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